May 29, 2020

Benefits of Pre-K Programs

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Families with young children are eager to set their little ones up for bright and happy futures. Data shows that children who attend pre-kindergarten programs experience greater success in academics, and gain life skills that help them well into adulthood. Research-based programs can provide the type of pre-K Tampa children need.

Academic Readiness
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Children who attend pre-k programs are generally better prepared for learning. They demonstrate significant gains in print awareness, math and vocabulary, all of which build the foundation for future success in school.

Closing the Gaps
While all children can benefit from pre-k, it is especially beneficial to disadvantaged students and to English language learners. These children gain exposure to literacy-rich environments, a diverse group of friends, and opportunities to engage in music, visual arts, and creative play. This helps close the learning gaps between them and their economically advantaged peers. 

Social Skill Development
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Students in pre-k programs have opportunities to share and cooperate with others. They learn to resolve conflicts and express their feelings in age-appropriate ways under the guidance of trained and qualified teachers. Social-emotional skill development is essential for future success in school and for building healthy and lasting friendships.

Long-Term Success
Studies show that the long-term benefits of preschool and pre-k programs go far beyond academics. Children who attend pre-k are more likely to finish high school and tend to have better employment prospects as adults. They are less likely to commit violent crimes than peers who did not attend pre-k, and they experience greater economic stability.

A well-rounded, nurturing pre-k program benefits children from all backgrounds, both in the short term and in the future. Early exposure to academics and peer groups sets them up for greater success in reading and math, and in life. it is a worthwhile investment of time for parents and their children.
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May 27, 2020

3 Tips for Your Business Trip to Anchorage, Alaska

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There are a few states that upon arrival you feel you've landed in a different country. Alaska is one of them. If you are on business and visiting Alaska for the first time, here are some tips to help you through your journey.

Purchase Commercial Insurance
Driving in Alaska is not like driving in the continental United States. Alaska has permafrost forests and glaciers because it is cold. It also has hazardous road conditions. You'll want to rent a car to get around, so be sure you purchase commercial auto insurance Anchorage AK to protect you from risk. You never know what type of road conditions you may encounter during your travels.

Prepare for Harsh Temperatures
Prior to your trip, you'll want to pack wisely, especially if you are traveling in winter. While the summers can be cool, and you'll want to at least pack a light jacket, the winters are long, and in some areas are even considered arctic in climate. If you don't have a heavy-duty winter coat, gloves, scarf and hat, now is the time to purchase all three. After spending any amount of time in the outdoors, you'll be glad you did.

Bring Extra Cash
Alaska is perhaps the most mysterious state in the union. You'll get to watch the sun set over the glaciers during the evening, and if you're lucky you'll get to watch the Aurora Borealis dance through the sky after dusk. There is no doubt you'll want to remember your trip. Anchorage offers many small coffee shops with souvenirs, as well as art galleries with paintings and trinkets created by locals.

You may be visiting Alaska on business, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy this adventure that for many people is once in a lifetime. Once you've made arrangements to travel safely and dress warm, be sure to have a little fun, too.
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What Are the Benefits of Short-Term Loans?

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Economic times and tough and many individuals and families are wondering how they are going to make ends meet. One option that people might not have thought about is a short-term loan. Applying for short term loans Mississippi can cover the cost of numerous unexpected expenses. Furthermore, short-term loans are often much easier to qualify for than a typical loan. With this in mind, for what purposes can people use short-term loans?

Cover an Unexpected Medical Expense
A large percentage of people who have to file for bankruptcy do so because of unexpected medical expenses. Few people plan on getting sick and while health insurance can cover the cost of some of these medical expenses, issues such as co-insurance, deductibles, and lifetime maximums can saddle someone with a tremendous amount of debt. To prevent this from happening, individuals can apply for short-term loans and use them to cover the cost of these medical expenses. This could cover the cost of a hospitalization, a surgical procedure, or even a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Help Pay for the Cost of a Major Repair
In addition, short-term loans can be used to cover the cost of a repair. Machines break from time to time and this can place people in a serious bind. This could include a home repair or a car repair. Those who are looking for ways to cover the cost of these repairs can apply for a short-term loan.

Apply for Short-Term Loans Today
These are only a few of the many ways that someone could use short-term loans. While applying for a typical loan from a bank or credit union can be slow and arduous, the application process for short-term loans is much easier. Therefore, anyone who needs cash quickly should consider applying for short-term loans.
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Urban Gardening - Another Update

Remember that I started building our small urban vegetable garden at home just before the Enhanced Community Quarantine took effect.

Since then, I harvested lots of veggies like string beans, tomatoes, and eggplants. Here is a short update on our urban garden.

Before, I only have two pots of eggplants.

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Eggplants in large pails.
I added four more pots and now they are matured and started flowering. Growing eggplants is simple using indirect seeding.  
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Eggplants' flower

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Lettuce: Ready to harvest.
After several tries, I finally succeed in growing lettuce
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Harvested lettuce.
Instead of harvesting by pulling the entire plant, I do pruning matured leaves and let it grow continuously until next harvest. I already harvested 3 times.
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Lettuce after prunning

There are pots of okra plants.
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Okra plants
They are starting to bear flower. After a few weeks, I will be picking the fruits from them.
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Okra: Starting to bloom.
The ampalaya is getting better now and starting bearing fruits. 
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Ampalaya, continuously growing.
Aside from the fruits, leaves were also collected.

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Ampalaya: Waiting to be harvested. 
Aside from using it in ginisang munggo, pruning the leaves makes the plant healthier and bear more fruits.

I had difficulty in growing corn. Once the sprout comes out of the soil, something is burrowing it getting the cotyledon.

Instead of growing it directly, I used the indirect seeding method. After two months, I noticed flowers on one of them. The ears will soon appear on the stem.

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Corn's flower
I planted more corn and they are starting to grow.
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tips on urban gardening, urban gardening, gardening, organic farming, organic vegetables, home and living, home,
Tomatoes do not last long and need to be replaced. Before the first batch started to wilt, I started germinating seeds collected from the kitchen and now they are growing in soil mixed with papers.

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Tomatoes growing in soil mixed with paper.
I am also germinating cherry tomatoes. Once ready for transplanting, they will be joining with the other tomatoes too.

Bell Peppers
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Bell peppers
Like the tomatoes, bell peppers are already transplanted and started to grow healthy on soil mixed with paper.
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1 week after transplanting bell peppers.
There are only two squash in the garden and they are crawling on the floor.
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Squash with kankong growing using old tires.

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The cucumber is already growing in the old tires.
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Cucumber seedlings.
Sweet Potato or Kamote and Kangkong
Growing these plants is easy. 
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Sweet potato or kamote.
Just insert the cutting into the soil and sprouts will be observed growing after a few days.  
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Kankong in old tires.
I am collecting the taps every week and cook it directly in the kitchen.

Calamansi and Lemon
I have one calamansi and two lemons grown in a large pail separately.
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tips on urban gardening, urban gardening, gardening, organic farming, organic vegetables, home and living, home,
Calamansi with corn.
These are all grafted and hopefully bear fruits soon.

By the way, here is my new garden buddy.
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That’s all for now and I will keep updating about urban gardening.
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May 22, 2020

It's Time To Focus on the Those Home Upgrades

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In the past two months, a few things are certain. You've worn pajamas regularly throughout the entire day, and you've crafted a list of all of the things annoying you in your home. In fact, starting at the old worn out floor or chipped paint is probably driving you crazy, distracting you from work assignments. Take action. Several states are opening back up, allowing for businesses to get back to work. One of those essential areas is construction. So, while you may not quite be back at the office yet, it's possible to tackle some of your dream renovations. I will share some home renovation ideas, and you may also visit for other home remodeling ideas.

Spruce Up The Kitchen
Restaurants are open, but you're probably cooking most of your meals at the house. Smooth out the timing by getting it organized and functional; you can find what you need without a hassle. Research online, looking into custom cabinets bergen county. Check out various styles. An open design allows you to see everything quickly. White cabinets open up the room, brightening the atmosphere.

Change Out The Floors
Have you really looked closely at what you're walking on all day? Is it stained? Has the color faded? A new lush carpet feel cozy to your toes. Vinyl plank is popular at the moment and is likely to provide additional durability and easy cleanup. If you have kids, you'll find it easier to wipe up those spills.

Enhance Your Office
The kitchen table is getting a bit old as your new desk. Start to seek out a space that could give you some quiet and focus. This might be an alcove or small closet; honestly, at this point, you could probably make do with the garage. After you've located a spot, consider various desk designs that work with the area, allowing you to store your belongings and get a bit of peace. This could be simple throw together set or something pieced from wood panels. Focus on ease and structure.

Eventually, you'll be back at the main building In the meantime, this is an opportunity to tackle those challenging projects.

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May 20, 2020

Choosing The Best Dentist For You

choosing the best dentist, health, dental health, dentist
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Just like any doctor in the world of medicine, it is important for you to find a dentist you can trust and rely on in order for a healthy and happy mouth. Oral health is important for improving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, so by having a dentist that you know and trust is an integral part of your dental routine. Chances are that you already have a dentist you trust, but if you are in the market for a new dentist or you are looking to find one in your area, here are a few tips on how to choose the best dentist for you.

Background and Testimonials
Perhaps the most important part of finding a good dentist for you is by looking at the background and client testimonials for the ones that interest you most. For example, find a place like Thornton Dental, which has a high reputation with their clients as well as a great background with years of experience in dental work. The more impressive their background mixed with a high amount of quality testimonials means that you will likely be happy with the service that they provide.

Most of these tips can certainly be used for the majority of healthcare providers, but this is even more so the case with dentistry. Most dentists work four days a week with an additional day meant for emergency appointments or surgical appointments. A lot of dentists choose to stick to this formula and often do not make any exceptions. It is up to you to find a dentist that is reliable and willing to help you when you have an emergency, even if they have to make an exception to the rule. Find a dentist that will treat you like a person rather than a statistic.

Quality of Space
The equipment used by dentists changes every few years, improving upon the many services they offer. A lot of dentists stick with their equipment for about a decade before upgrading to the latest and greatest, mostly because of the high price point of purchasing anything new. While it is still possible to get excellent dental care with older dental equipment, it is important for you to feel comfortable with the quality of the space and equipment your dentist is using.

As you can see, finding the right dentist for you is a great way to improve the care your oral health needs. If you have further questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to a friend or a professional who might be able to guide you in the right direction.
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