November 24, 2014

Are You Qualified to Share Your Blood?

As I mentioned on blood donation post, not all are eligible to share their blood even some are very willing to help save lives. Being qualified in donating blood is a good sign of having a good health. Here are the basic requirements to help you decide whether you are qualified or not:

16-65 years old can donate blood. However, 16 and 17 years old nees to have parenta constent before allowing to have their blood shared.

You must be at least 110 pounds or approximately 50 kilos.

No cough, colds or fever at the time of blood donation.
Have a blood pressure between 90-160 mmHg (systolic) and 60-100 mmHg (diastolic).

No minor or major surgery for at least 1 year. Tooth extraction or tooth implant as well as body piercing or tattoo sessions are already considered a minor surgery.
No medications and alcohol intake for the past 24 hours especially aspirin and antibiotics. Multivitamins are exceptions, though.
Have enough sleep (at least 6 hours) prior to the scheduled blood donation.
Not hungry. Food must be taken prior to blood donation. No fatty foods as mush as possible.
Females with monthly period, pregnant or breastfeeding are also not allowed to give their blood.

Aside from the above requirements, the donor will undergo screening. A questionnaire will be given, and as a responsible donor, the questions must be answered with ALL HONESTY. Answers will be kept confidential.

During the screening, an initial blood sample will be taken from pricked finger then dropped into a copper sulfate solution. If the blood sinks, it means you can donate. The remaining sample will be used to determine the blood group a donor belongs.

Proper screening is not only for your own good but this ensures that the receiver will be in safe condition as well.

Chemist Dad during blood donation (sorry for the "grainy" pic)
Are you qualified to be a proud blood donor too?