Okra grows commonly in warm countries. Some propagate it as an ornamental plant because it blooms like a gumamela.
Many don’t like to eat okra because it secrets a slimy juice but okra is good for weight loss since it has a low calorie ( about 25 to 40 kcal per 100 grams). Okra is also rich in vitamins A and C, minerals like phosphorus and calcium.
How did I grow in pots?
I used a pot that is 10-12 inches deep with a planting media consist of rice hulls and loam soil. This soil mixture is well-drained and rich in organic matter. You can also use animal manure.
The pot should be placed where there is enough sunlight. Okra should receive at least 5 hours of full sunlight.
Since okra seeds are considered large, it can be planted directly in the pot or so-called direct seeding.
At about ½-1 inch deep, sow 2-3 okra seeds with about 6 inches apart.
Water the seeds and keep the soil moist while waiting for the seeds to germinate. Patience is needs in waiting for the sprout to emerge from the soil which is usually 5-10 days.
After 2-3 weeks from seed’s germination, the leaves will continue to grown with large leaves. Since I planted okra in a pot or pail, I used the small variety can grown up to 3 feet only.
After another couple of weeks an flowers will start to emerge on the top most part of the plant. It looks like the okra pod.
After 3-5 days, it will open into light yellow petals as the first flower. Okra are self-pollinating, so you don't have to worry if the flower develop into a fruit.
The okra fruit starts to appear 5-7days after blooming and should be harvested until still tender.
You can tell if the fruit is still tender by bending the tip and breaks easily.
Okra can be easily damaged by fusarium wilt caused by fungi. Also, it is susceptible to whiteflies and aphids. Fungi can be managed by applying fungicide on soil white the insects can be controlled by homemade insecticides.
Happy Gardening!
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