February 10, 2012

Project: Home Gardening

There are times that prices of vegetables shoot during its off-season. Tomatoes and bell peppers are just some of those which peaks at PhP 50.00 and PhP150.00 per kilo. Why suffer for those high-priced, off-seasoned vegetable where you can grow and harvest your own.
The problem is, where to plant? Like me that does not have enough area for gardening. Try recycling! Use empty cans, worn tires, empty softdrinks bottle and other options. See my previous post on recycling.
It grows well. I feel very happy to see after about two months, the bell peppers are already flowering while some were already bearing fruits. On the other hand, my tomatoes are also doing well but doesn't have any flowers until its 4th month.
Aside from the two veggies, I also have dragon fruits and grafted chico planted on a plastic pails, sweet tamarind planted on a KFC buckets, and some ornamental plants.
Now, I already started to harvest some of bell peppers while tomatoes are starting to bear fruits.
Bell Peppers: on its flowering stage
First two bell pepper fruits
After few weeks, some bell peppers are ready for harvest
My home-grown tomatoes
Tomato flowers
First harvest of peppers

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