January 27, 2012

Kitchen Adventures: Quick and Easy Pork Broccoli in Oyster Sauce

Pork Broccoli in Oyster Sauce

Who says cooking is difficult? Here's my own version of Pork Broccoli in Oyster Sauce. Sounds complicated but trust me its QUICK and EASY!

What you need:
Pork - 1/4 kilo, thinly sliced
Broccoli - 1 head
Garlic - 2 tbsp, minced
Sugar - 1 tsp
Soy sauce - 1 tbsp
Cornstarch - 1 tbsp dissolved in 1 tbsp of water (2 sets: 1 for marinade and 1 for sauce)
Oyster sauce - 1 tbsp
Butter - 1 tbsp, melted and mixed with 1 tbsp of cooking oil
Cooking Oil - 3 tbsp

Time to do the cooking (in three parts):
Marinate the pork in soy sauce and cornstarch mixture for about 30 minutes.

Saute garlic and broccoli in butter mixture. Sprinkle sugar and stir-fry until veggies are fully coated. Add water and simmer for about one minute. Set aside.

Stir-fry pork until cooked. Then add the prepared broccoli and the other set of cornstarch mixture. Add it oyster sauce and simmer until the sauce is cooked. Adjust your the thickness of sauce by adding water or cornstartch mixture depending on your preference.

1. It is better to marinate your pork overnight (placed in refrigerator). You can add calamansi juice if you want.
2. You can still use the broccoli stem. Peel it until all the hard part was removed then slice it with almost the same size as the broccoli flower.
3. Sauce is already cooked if no more turbid color is noticed.
4. Adding cooking to your butter prevents it from being burnt.

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