May 29, 2014

What to Find At Momaye's Shoppe?

You can find very affordable, export quality baby stuff at our very own Momaye's Shoppe.

Very Affordable Baby Stuffs at Momaye's Shoppe
We have super cute baby blankets.

Small Wonders Plain, Colored and Printed Hooded Blankets

We also have cotton baby bibs.
Small Wonders Cotton Bibs

Baby and Kids sando, shorts and pajama ternos are also available.

Small Wonders Sando/Spag+Shorts, Shirt+Pajama and Sando+Pajama Terno

Those are just few of the baby stuffs we have at Momaye's Shoppe. Those are sold in retail and wholesale prices. We are also open to resellers :) . Feel free to send us a personal message in case you are interested. Also, please visit, like and share our Mom and Dad Crochet Page. Thanks in advance!