By the
way, here is our plan for the entire Holy Week:
March 24 – Attend the Palm Sunday Mass at Divine Mercy Shrine-Marilao or at Immaculate
Concepcion-Sta. Maria.
Monday –
Wednesday, March 25-27 – Work. Work. Work.
March 28 – Time to have a little rest but we still need to work for some batch
of orders in Momaye’s Shoppe.
March 29 – Again, work for the Shoppe. In the afternoon, we will visit and attend the mass at Immaculate Concepcion-Sta. Maria. There is also procession of different religious saints on the same day.
March 30 – Will take a rest at home or visit the SM Marilao.
March 31 – Will go to Easter Sunday Mass and will take a rest at home while
doing crochet items again.
remember the true meaning of Lenten Season and not just ride with the flow.