August 26, 2015

Will You Choose Cremation?

Nowadays, cremation is becoming popular as a way to decompose dead’s body. One of the main reasons by many is practicality. This saves on the funeral and burial cost as well as land space.

Some individuals request for cremation due to fear that their body will be decomposed when buried.

Source: Perfect Memorials

But do you know how the body is cremated?

First, the corpse is placed in a combustible container then placed on a preheated chamber with a temperature of 760 to 980 degrees Celsius for three to four hours.

Once the body is burned, the bone fragments are then collected and crushed. The remains contain foreign materials like screws, metals, and others as part of the container. It will be subjected to strong magnets to remove the foreign materials.

Some services have “cremulator” that will pulverize the bones to sand-like particles before transferring to an urn, then handed to relative or representative of the deceased.

Though cremation is a perfect option, it is not necessarily a substitute for burial. The remains are still required for final disposition thru scattered, buried or entombed while some store portions of the ash in jewelry.

Perfect Memorials is now offering Premium Jewelry Series designed for safe keep of memorabilia.


Aside from the pendant, the package includes complimentary engraving, large box, premium snake chain, paper funnel for transferring and sealing adhesive. Perfect Memorials is also offering 5% discount and free shipping until September 15, 2015 only for the Premium Jewelry Series. Just use the code PREMIUM15 upon checkout.

Source: Perfect Memorials

These items are not limited to keep ashes but can also use to store hair and/or ceremonial flowers keeping the memories of your loved ones for generations.

Though cremation is a cheaper substitute for burial, environmental and hygiene issues are still being discussed when cremation is talked about.

Will you choose cremation?