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I am listening to Radyo 5, 92.3 FM earlier when I heard a good news about the new benefit package offered by Philhealth to their members and beneficiaries. PhilHealth announced that they are already included Acute Lympliocytic (Lytnphoblastic) Leukemia (ALL), Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer and Kidney Transplant in their Benefit Package Case Type Z. However there are still limitations on the said illnesses because PhilHealth is more of the prevention stage rather than the curing stage, as explained by the representative.
The limitations are as follows:
ALL- Applicable for children below 12 years old only
Breast Cancer - On the early stage
Prostate Cancer - Low to intermediate stage requiring Prostatectomy
Kidney Transplant - Low risk end stage renal disease
The package will cover the following amounts:
ALL- P210,000 for the entire course of treatment for three (3) years
Breast Cancer - P100,000 for the entire course of treatment.
Prostate Cancer - P100,000 for the entire course of treatment
Kidney Transplant - P600,000 for the entire course of treatment
For more information click HERE.
This is a real good news for the members of PhilHealth. But still, "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE."
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