January 31, 2013

5S Sanitation Program Launching

Two weeks ago, we launched our 5Sanitation Program. This is a combination of 5S of Good Housekeeping and Sanitation Program in our company. The main objective of this activity is to clean everything inside our workplace and start the implementation of the 5S. Every department has their own assigned area to clean and organize. 

By the way 5S came from 5 Japanese words starting with letter “S”. This is used by some companies to keep their workplace clean, systematic and organized.
This is just a start and we hope that this program will be sustained to keep our workplace clean, sanitized and organized.

Here are the photos courtesy by one of our colleagues edited by me.
Ready to clean
In action
Time for some gardening
Take a pose first!
There's Mommy!
Oath Taking to maintain the plant clean
Signing after oath taking.