January 2, 2013

Weight Loss for New Year

After the holidays, most of us gain additional pounds aside from the one that we want to burn out. I know one of the New Year’s resolutions that most of us, yes including me, to do is to shed those extra pounds. Before making any promises that you are going to avoid eating too much, having healthy diet etc. etc., try to consider these simple behaviors that we might commit to get rid of that extra baggage.
Keep track of the food you eat. Do this for at least two weeks. According to some studies, people who keep track of their food tend to lose about 6 pounds more compared to those who don’t.

Eat four to six small meals a day. This will make you feel fuller for a longer time than eating big meals 1 or two times a day. Furthermore, try to incorporate protein and fiber in each meal to lessen your dependence on processed carbs.

Get rid of high-calorie juices. Most cold beverages are high in sugars making you gain weight if not burned out properly. Try to avoid ready to drink fruit juices, sodas, flavored coffee and alcohols. It is better to freshly prepare your own juice. I heard that cold tea beverages are made of tea extracts with lots of sugars. Furthermore, it is better to drink warm ot hot tea than cold ones.

Furthermore, having a daily routine for exercise will definitely help in shedding those extra pounds and take note that before setting weight-loss goals; you need to have the accountability behavior in order to make your goal a success!

So, let’s start and get rid of those extra pounds! I know we can make it AGAIN!

For other weight-loss tips, you may consider visiting here, here and here.

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